
If you enjoyed my small business financial blog, and want to learn more, contact me.

Do You Know What You’re Spending Money On?
By Hilary O’Dwyer, CEO, Titian Consulting This month’s focus is all about how to navigate the current world of rising costs in our business, and

Balance Sheet – what’s in it?
By Hilary O’Dwyer, CEO, Titian Consulting I want to go back to basics and look at your books and what is in them. What is

GST – What Is It?
By Hilary O’Dwyer, CEO, Titian Consulting In my latest 2 Minute Takeaway, I spoke about GST. Which seems pretty basic but it’s surprising how little

2023 – What Does It Hold For Your Business?
By Hilary O’Dwyer, CEO, Titian Consulting Happily, most of us have had a bit of a break over the holiday period and may still be

In The Media | The Great Resignation – What Annual Leave Do You Owe?
Do you know how much Annual Leave your business has accrued on the books? If you don’t, and one of your long term staff members

Payroll over the Christmas break
By Hilary O’Dwyer, CEO, Titian Consulting It’s always a frantic push getting ready for the break over Christmas. Sometimes I wonder if the mad rush

If you see it, you’ll spend it
By Hilary O’Dwyer, CEO, Titian Consulting Having got yourself to the point where you’re on top of your BAS because you know when it’s due

Small Businesses: Is the ATO coming for you?
By Hilary O’Dwyer, CEO, Titian Consulting Thanks to the craziness of the last few years for businesses, especially small business, the ATO has not chased

2 Minute Takeaway: Family Budgeting in the Post Covid Work Landscape
I took some time out on my recent NZ trip to put together a new #2MinuteTakeaway that I think will be relevant to a lot of businesses

The Post-Covid Labour Market is Certainly Tough, but Not Impossible…
I was recently in Auckland for a 5 year anniversary party with Simon Rudd at Reward Recruitment, a proud occasion celebrating his achievements in growing

In the Media: Here’s to Living in Precedented Times – a Retrospective
As 2021 drew to a close, I wrote about what I hoped would eventuate in the business world moving into 2022. I’ve taken a moment

Ticker TV – interview with Holly Stearnes
Following the release of the results of my survey on the impact of COVID on small business planning, I got the opportunity to discuss it

2 minute takeaway: the impact of COVID on small businesses and their planning
Recently, I conducted a survey of over 100 Australian small businesses across all sectors. I was interested to find out how COVID has impacted their

2 minute takeaway: COVID relief July 2021
The latest round of COVID relief has been announced, which is being supported by both the federal and state government here in NSW. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zevHLQS6GKg

2 Minute takeaway: Payroll year end 2021
In today’s snippet, I reveal what needs to be done for a payroll year end (in Australia) and what is the deadline for this.